Hosting Gateway Defense for a class in your area is simple. As a host, your responsibility is to arrange access to a suitable range, coordinate appropriate range supplies, and help spread the word. In return, the host of the class will receive a free course slot. (Note: we understand there may be multiple exceptions to these requirements, so just know that we can be flexible to work with most setups, just reach out to talk specifics.)
Range Requirements:
All pistol classes require a range that is at least 25 yards in depth, and rifle classes require a range that is at least 50 yards in depth. Every class will need to accommodate at least 16 target stands across the width of the bay. The more room, the better. For the most part three-sided bays will be necessary for doing target transitions, relays, and stage work.
Range Supplies:
With the exception of our Intro to Competition class, all we really need is the appropriate number of moveable target stands and sticks (one per student plus one instructor demo), and 3 to 6 pieces of steel, class size dependent, as well as 8-12 barrels.
Spread the word!
I will need your help to get the word out to your friends! I will of course list the class on my website and post about it on our social media platforms, but you will be the one with the most connections in that area. As long as we have a small handful of people interested right off the bat, we’re good to go and will lock it in on the schedule!
Again, remember that everything here is just a rule of thumb, and we can make exceptions to almost any of this depending on what we are working with. Feel free to reach out directly with any questions to: